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Inner Work: 1-on-1 Facilitation

I help clients choose how they experience life and how they show up to the people, jobs and communities that matter most to them.


Do we do the best we can with what we have, trying to manage feelings of anxiety, pain, anger or apathy? Or do we actively engage with our existence, healing and replacing the parts of self that don't serve our best interest?


Do we accept the stories, expectations and beliefs life has given to us? Or do we choose to know exactly who we are, intentionally aligning our energy and our actions to reflect our chosen beliefs, values and purpose? 

Do we pursue meaning and identity through our job title, other people's perceptions or the size of our bank account? Or do we live a life of clear purpose, bringing all our energy to a single focused place where our ability to serve, give and impact our community is maximized?

If you are ready to move past cycles of fear, anxiety, depression or apathy and into a place of personal power by taking responsibility for your actions, I'm here for you. 

I take clients on a journey customized to meet them where they are at by teaching them how to build a relationships with their feelings and emotions; by healing painful parts of their past; and by learning to live in integrity by aligning their actions with the core of who they are. 

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flowing river, mountain, sunset, psychedelic energy.jpg


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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